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We Support Vulnerable Youth With Generative AI

We are a B-Corp with the sole mission of helping children get the support that they need when it comes to getting help from professionals. Toast91 bridge that gap.



Of young people face obstacles in accessing timely mental health support


Of abuse cases go unreported in the UK

In the last 3 years

There has been a 50% increase youth mental health problems

Anonymous Chat Support

We maintain the confidentiality of the child by allowing children to be anonymous while speaking with the chatbot.


Just over 1/4

Of young people face obstacles in accessing timely mental health support

64% of large charities

That answered are currently using AI or plan to use it for their day-to-day operations, compared to 44% of small charities.

78% of Charities

Agree that AI is relevant to their organisation and could transform how they work.

Frequently Asked Questions


How does the conversational AI work?

Our AI has been carefully designed to be an empathetic, non-judgmental listener. It allows children to share what they're going through in a safe, conversational way at their own pace. The AI provides age-appropriate information on support services and options so kids can understand the help available.

Is the conversational AI confidential and secure?

Yes, absolutely. Privacy and anonymity are of upmost importance to us. Nothing shared with the AI is recorded or stored. All data is encrypted end-to-end so conversations remain completely confidential. We never share any personal information.

What if I need to speak to a real person after using the AI?

The AI provides referral information to connect children directly with human counselors, social workers, abuse hotlines and other support services in their local area if they want to talk to someone further. Safety is our top priority.

How can I access the Toast91 conversational AI?

The AI is currently being piloted in select high schools. We're working to make it available on mobile devices and web browsers soon so it can be accessed anytime, anywhere a child needs support.


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